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bLAWgathon 2019

About bLAWgathon

Stumbling upon a piece of research that answers a crucial legal question is a common happenstance in the life of any lawyer, academic or student. Realizing the goal of community learning in the space of Intellectual Property and related Commercial/Corporate Laws; IIPRD and Khurana and Khurana Advocates and IP Attorneys (K&K); with an aim to put forth such well-researched, intuitive and original ideas; are proudly presenting a platform to share crucial research articles and information in the space.

We are calling for articles that cover the professional practice of Intellectual Property; prosecution and litigation along with other related media, competition law and allied commercial/corporate laws. This research shall be posted on our blogs and shall be vetted by experts to decide on the 5 most well-researched articles out of the ones chosen for publication by us, to felicitate the authors for their research.


All submissions have to be sent to in MS Word format. Submissions must include a copy of a plagiarism test report from any standard website (Grammarly, Turnitin etc); reports with more than 10% plagiarized content shall be rejected.The topics must be related to Intellectual Property laws, Media laws, Competition laws and any allied commercial/corporate laws that exist in consonance with IP laws. Authors must include a short introduction about themselves with their submissions; included at the end of the write-up.

The articles shall encapsulate research according to the following:
1) Research question and research conducted
2) Commercial/social impact of such research and the author’s view on the same
3) Originality of idea and writing
4) Reception by the audience on the blog and/or social networking sites

Submission Period

The articles shall be accepted on rolling-basis beginning on the 1st of November 2019 and will go up to the 31st of December. Please note that acceptance of articles shall last throughout the 2 months. The authors shall be reverted within 10 days from the receipt of their articles in respect of the suitability of the articles for publication on the IIPRD blog ( and Khurana and Khurana Advocates and IP Attorneys’ blog ( and its LinkedIn page. The Author shall be informed of the same through a link on their registered e-mail id


The articles must be an original, well-researched and unpublished work of the author. The article can be co-authored by at the most, 2 authors and the ownership for the article shall vest in the authors only. The article must be no longer than 1000-2500 words and must include a critical answer to a legal question from the point of view of the author. Submission by lawyers, academics and students are appreciated.

Declaration Of Winner

After the submission period comes to an end on the 31st of December 2019; all the received submissions shall be vetted and 5 winners shall be selected for felicitation by the firm for the research conducted in their article. The winners shall be declared on the 10th of January 2020. The winners shall receive certificates and letters of appreciation along with being felicitated on our website.

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