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Dr. Ujjwala Girish Haldankar

Ujjwala is an Associate Partner and Patent Lawyer at Khurana & Khurana Advocates and IP Attorneys and of its Patent Research and Intellectual Property (IP) Asset Management Firm, IIPRD. Sje is a former Assistant Controller of Patents and Designs and have worked with the Patent Office, Government of India for 14 years. Thereafter she was associated with an esteemed Intellectual Property firm as Head of Office and Sr. Patent Attorney at the branch office, Mumbai. During her tenure at Patent Office and at Intellectual Property firm, she have handled patent applications and litigations in the field of Chemistry, Pharmaceuticals, Biological sciences. She have completed my Ph. D. in Life Sciences. She have done a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Public Health Research Institute, NJ, US. She have completed LL. B. from University of Mumbai.

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