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Microsoft and LG Renew Patent Cross License Agreement

Microsoft Corp. and LG Electronics Inc. have announced in REDMOND, Washington. on Aug. 19, 2018 that they have entered into a patent cross-license agreement to further the development of the company’s current and future product lines. This agreement between Microsoft…

Microsoft Cross Licensing

Microsoft grants licenses to companies under fair and reasonable terms. It is important for the company claiming license to adhere with the Microsoft’s IP licensing policy. The process for granting license is non-exclusive and is based on “commercially reasonable” terms…

Fashion & Intellectual Property

“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” - Coco Chanel Fashion industry is at an all-time high…

Amended Patent Procedures in Vietnam

Vietnam amended its Intellectual Property Laws in the form of Circular No. 16/2016/TT-BKHCN which came into force on 15th January, 2018 The amendments done in patent procedures were mostly related to application rules, patent applications, and examination procedures. Below are…

No Monopoly over Hepatitis C- SIPO

A long battle over the monopoly control of Hepatitis C medicine was concluded by China's State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO). SIPO has cancelled the Patent claims for oral drug hepatitis C drug 'sofosbuvir', which was earlier granted to US pharmaceutical…

Japanese Toymakers Enhance Efforts to Battle Counterfeits

Toymakers in Japan are taking strong measures against counterfeit products being sold overseas, especially in China. As International sales are increasing, firms are alarmed because of increasing chances of production and sale of counterfeit product leading to huge losses to…

Smart IP: Blockchain Technology in China

What is blockchain? Blockchain is open ledger of information where people can record and track transactions which can be exchanged and confirmed on a peer-to-peer network. It allows multiple users to verify the transaction & control how record of information…

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