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Google double click

Google’s acquisition of Double click: A boom or bane?

Background of the acquisition Google is the world’s most popular search engine. It also has the largest video hosting service on YouTube and various facilities like a web browser, meeting software (g-meet), email (g-mail), maps (Google Maps), etc. The main…

International Patent Classification

International Patent Classification

INTRODUCTION The incessant growth of the Intellectual Property Rights across the entire globe has given rise to various laws and regulations concerning the protection of the unique intellect of an individual and entity. In the world of inventions, patent protection…

Blockchain Technology

Rise of Blockchain and the Question of Patentability

1.Introduction It started in 2008, when Satoshi Nakamoto came up with a ground-breaking idea of bitcoin and cryptographic proof that relies on CPU power to create immutable, tamper-proof ledgers which operate on a peer-to-peer architecture. Blockchain, was initially introduced only…

Compulsory Licensing

Compulsory Licencing

Introduction Compulsory licence is a licence issued by the government to an applicant for making, using, selling a patented product or making use of a patented process without consent of the patentee. Provisions related to compulsory licensing are outlined in…

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