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A trademark’s degree of registrability or its ability to sustain a suit or enforce a suit hinges upon the nature of the mark. Marks can range from being generic, descriptive, and suggestive to arbitrary and fanciful thereby shaping the strength…

AI and Artifical Inteligence

Ai And Intellectual Property Rights: Issues And Impacts

Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are gaining the ability to generate creative works and useful inventions autonomously. This raises critical questions around assigning intellectual property rights (IPR) like patents and copyrights for AI outputs. IPR regimes worldwide, including India's, never…

Global patent Licensing

Global Patent Licensing

Introduction Global licensing of patents has become a major aggregator in pushing growth of technology and industries in the world at large. The intellectual property sector is booming and one major reason is people having realised the importance of owning…

Naked Licensing

Keeping the Eminence Safe Through Naked Licensing

Introduction A trademark helps a consumer obtain goods and services of a certain quality and reduces their confusion related to the goods and services. The importance of the quality of the items offered under a brand has increased with the emergence of…

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