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Trademark Objections Reasons And Response

Filing for a trademark can be a tedious process and if not done in a proper manner, it can lead to several objections to the application. A Trademark Officer is the one who can object to the trademark application. After…

Biotechnological Patenting And Traditional Knowledge

Any biotechnological innovation is the creation of a person’s intellect. A patent is an exclusive right to abstain a third party from creating or taking benefits of one’s invention and includes the right to license others to make, use, or…

Gene Patenting In India

There has been a great advancement in technology after the revelation of the structure of the DNA molecule. Since then, scientists have engaged in efforts of identifying the sequences of these molecules, their function and also in manipulating them to…

Wearable Technology- Who Owns The Data?

The 21st Century is the era of the technology. Children born in the 2000s and the late 90s are born along with or grown up around the increased use of technology.  Everyday chores are now assisted by technology. Some are…

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