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Copyright Law In India

Elucidating copyright law in layman’s terms, whenever a person produces a unique work, he is inevitably granted the sole ownership of the work, having absolute right over the same. Nevertheless, the owner has the authority to either transfer his rights…

The Concept Of Patent Mining In India

All prior art relevant to the invention should, ideally, be recognized in order to determine the uniqueness and inventive step of the invention. Due to different constraints such as language, paperwork, and so on, access to the prior art is…

Role of NPEs In Shaping The Wireless Charging Industry

Wireless charging or Non-Contact Power transfer is an interesting technology that dates to the late 19th century when Nikola Tesla demonstrated electricity through the air using magnetic resonant coupling. Though his plans to wirelessly transmit power through the Wardenclyffe tower failed in the…

Counterfeiting Medicines in India: why is there a need for IPR?

Counterfeit Medicines India and piracy is a massive global problem that affects practically every industry sector on the planet. India is no different, with widespread counterfeiting, piracy, and smuggling having serious economic, health, and safety ramifications in the country. Small…

3D Printing In Pharmaceutical Industry

3D Printing In Pharmaceutical Industry: The technology and formulation developed to efficiently transport a pharmacologically active molecule in the body in order to achieve therapeutic efficacy in a safe manner is referred to as drug delivery. Controlling the release profile,…

The Delhi High Court has ordered the controller general of patents designs and trade marks | Extension Of Time For Filing Opposition Of Trademark Advertised During Pandemic (Covid-19): Directions Of Delhi High Court To Trademark Registry

During the period of the Covid-19 pandemic many oppositions were filed beyond the four months period of limitation and the same have also been entertained by the Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks (CGPDTM). The Delhi High Court…

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