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Works In ‘Public Domain’ When Copyright Expires: An Overview

Introduction Literary, theatrical, musical, artistic, and architectural works, as well as films and sound recordings, are all protected under copyright law. In addition, Indian Copyright law defines 'literary works' to include books, computer programs, compilations, and tables as part of…

Colour As A Trade Dress In The Pharmaceutical Industry

Introduction The notion of trade dress is defined in Section 2(zb) of the Trademarks Act 1999, which defines a 'trademark' in broad terms, including shape, packaging, and color combinations, as long as they can be graphically depicted and identify goods…

Protection Of Trade Dress In India

Introduction According to the current trend, any new product which is being launched in the market has some sort of distinct packaging as it is considered imperative for the purposes of distinguishing their products from others and it also helps…

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