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Role Of NFTs In The Fashion Industry: An Overview

Introduction Recently, a new trend of merging blockchain technology with the creative intellectual property via non-fungible tokens ("NFTs") had taken place. The idea has spread across all market sectors, and now luxury fashion retailers have joined the tokenization bandwagon. The…

Software Copyright Registration: U.S. Perspective

INTRODUCTION Understanding the breadth of protection granted by a registration (which is crucial in selecting what should be registered), dealing with claim restrictions for derivative works, and the deposit required are all part of the Software Copyright Protection procedure. Although…


NFT and Patents

Non-Fungible Tokens are primarily digital files of various physical and digital products and works that may be easily traded and saved as tokens. The major draw of NFTs is their individuality; each digital file has a special worth and status.…

Integrated Circuit Layouts and Designs

Introduction An integrated circuit (IC) layout design is the three-dimensional arrangement of the components and interconnections that make up the IC. An integrated circuit (IC) is an electronic circuit in which the circuit's parts are integrated into some media and…

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