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Trademark Infringement & Their Defenses in India

Introduction The Trademarks Act, 1999 is the legislation that protects trademarks in India. The Act lays down the principles handling registration, protection and penalties against infringement of trademarks. Trademarks are given the status of intellectual property over the globe. There…

Infringement of Design

The term design has been defined under section 2(d) of the Designs Act 2000 which defines design as a shape, configuration, pattern, composition of lines, ornaments, or line of colours applied to any article whether in 2D or 3D or…

Recent Noteworthy Music Licensing Deals

A music license is required when a copyright owner of music (viz. composer, songwriter, etc.) intends to grant permission to a party to exploit the music. While such music license can cover different aspects of the rights on the music…

IP as Collateral

Advances in science and technology, as well as business innovations have transformed the economy, making way for new industries and modern ways of doing business. As a result of new technologies, and a rapid increase in innovation and creativity, intellectual…

Patents and Public Health

Introduction Patents and public health is the most relevant topic of discussion when the whole world is fighting against the global pandemic, Covid-19. It is no doubt that granting patent protection to a drug is important and serves many purposes,…

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