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Intellectual Property Bio metrics

Biometric Intellectual Property in the Automated Cognitive Era

"Biometric, a cornerstone of innovation driving unprecedented advancements in the age of automation and their fusion is the key to unlocking a secure and seamless future". In today's digital dynamic world of gadgets and round-the-clock internet access, the culture of…

Protection Under IPR

Registration Of Protection Under IPR: Prosecution

Introduction Intellectual property (IP) refers to any new original creation by a human intellect such as technical, artistic, literary, or scientific creation[i]. IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) refers to the legal rights give to the owner of the creation to protect…

knock out Searches

State of Art Search Analysis

INTRODUCTION The uniqueness and novelty of a product or procedure makes it patentable, there might be an end number of queries that may make a person wonder if his work is unique and novel. It is crucial that the work…

AI Generated Work


INTRODUCTION In the ever-expanding realm of artificial intelligence (“AI”), one of its most fascinating frontiers is the creation of music. Through intricate algorithms and machine learning capabilities, AI systems are now generating original compositions, sparking a profound debate over the…

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