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Copyright Law In India

Elucidating copyright law in layman’s terms, whenever a person produces a unique work, he is inevitably granted the sole ownership of the work, having absolute right over the same. Nevertheless, the owner has the authority to either transfer his rights…

Are Memes Protected By Copyright Law ?

The social media trends change very fast, almost every day but one thing that hasn't lost its charm over the years is the consumption of memes on social media. Even if someone avoids the Internet and social media, they are…

Works In ‘Public Domain’ When Copyright Expires: An Overview

Introduction Literary, theatrical, musical, artistic, and architectural works, as well as films and sound recordings, are all protected under copyright law. In addition, Indian Copyright law defines 'literary works' to include books, computer programs, compilations, and tables as part of…

Software Copyright Registration: U.S. Perspective

INTRODUCTION Understanding the breadth of protection granted by a registration (which is crucial in selecting what should be registered), dealing with claim restrictions for derivative works, and the deposit required are all part of the Software Copyright Protection procedure. Although…

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