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Color of Pharma Industry

The Colours in Pharma industry

Introduction Emergency use products such as inhalers also possess an inherent "stickiness" factor, as patients are unlikely to switch to a different brand easily once they have grown accustomed to using a specific inhaler, especially in urgent situations. For example,…

Biotechnological Patenting And Traditional Knowledge

Any biotechnological innovation is the creation of a person’s intellect. A patent is an exclusive right to abstain a third party from creating or taking benefits of one’s invention and includes the right to license others to make, use, or…

Counterfeiting Medicines in India: why is there a need for IPR?

Counterfeit Medicines India and piracy is a massive global problem that affects practically every industry sector on the planet. India is no different, with widespread counterfeiting, piracy, and smuggling having serious economic, health, and safety ramifications in the country. Small…

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