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Is Someone Trying To Steal Your Unique Idea?

Still Wondering how to Defend Your Idea? A patent is an exclusive right granted by a country to an inventor, allowing the inventor to exclude others from making, using or selling his or her invention in that country during the…

EULA – Look before You Leap!

Ever wondered what is the never-ending excruciating agreement that pops up just before you are all set to make an e-mail account, install an application or download software? Apparently, all of us click the “I agree” option without paying much…

Stem Cells Unpatentable on destruction of Embryos

On 18 October 2011, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) gave its decision in Brustle v Greenpeace (C-34/10) regarding the patentability of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) in Europe. This Decision is largely in view with the Opinion of the…

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