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Tapan Shah

With more than 12 years of experience in providing specialized services in Patents and related Intellectual Property Rights, Tapan holds expertise in the technical domains of Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnological products and Medical Devices. He holds Master’s Degree with specialization in Medicinal Chemistry from National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER, Mohali). Prior to joining the team of Khurana & Khurana and IIPRD, Tapan has worked as Assistant Manager (Operations) at Effectual Services Pvt. Ltd. Being a Registered Patent Agent and an Advocate, he practices before the Indian Patent Office and has been actively involved in client counselling, preparing patent specification, undertaking prosecution and hearing mandates, instituting and representing clients in opposition (pre-grant and post-grant oppositions) and revocation proceedings, and rendering Patent infringement and other opinions. Tapan has diverse experience in devising and assisting Fortune 500 Pharmaceutical and Chemical companies, US and European Law firms, independent patent attorneys and In-house patent counsels towards development and commercialization of products and processes.

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