IP Training
Intellectual Property, in general, has emerged as a major area of business competence. It has become as important as understanding innovation, technology, marketing, finance, corporate governance, industrial economics and strategy. Importance of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), especially Patent sand Trade Marks, needs no emphasis and is largely well understood in the Corporates. At the same time, in the changing paradigm of global business, one central force that supports this change and shall regulate more closely in time to come is Intellectual Property Laws and Practices. It is therefore important for all Innovation Companies to have focused R&D efforts to ensure that the amount of resources spent on research is well justified and in the right direction allowing efficient Patent Portfolio Creation Management. To achieve this, it is inevitable for each Corporate to have an IP trained team of R&D Professionals, Technocrats, and Scientists. At the same time, importance of Brands and how they correlate and couple with Trade Marks is extremely important for Marketing and Legal Professionals to understand in order to create and differentiate their products and services from the competition.
IIPRD is among India’s first IP Consulting and Education Firms having focused on IP Training at Corporate Level, wherein IIPRD has collaborated with multiple prestigious bodies such as CSIR, HRDC, TIFAC, European Patent Office, along with leading Law Firms including Sughrue Mion, Morgan Lewis, Kangxin IP, Cantor Colburn, Birch Stewart Kolasch & Birch LLP, Becker Kurig, Ladas & Parry, Boehmert & Boehmert, Hoffmann & Eitle, among many others for imparting training through over 60 International Symposiums and Programmes. Beyond IP Legal Matters relating to Country specific prosecution and litigation practices, IIPRD trains professionals, scientists, Legal Managers on aspects relating to IP Commercialization, Out-Licensing, Valuation, among others
Our Approach
IIPRD offers tailor-made IP awareness programs depending on the existing level of IP awareness among a company’s employees. IIPRD has conducted numerous of such dedicated programmes for Corporates including NTPC, MoserBaer, Indian Oil Corporation, KS Oils, ONGC, Bharat Petroleum, Engineers India Limited, TATA Chemicals among many others. Such programs are designed for organizations as a whole or for specific groups within the company. Most of these programmes involve Sr. Patent Attorneys from Khurana & Khurana, Advocates and IP Attorneys (K&K) sharing their real time experience in preparing, searching, prosecuting, litigating IP Applications. These sessions typically range from 1-3 days depending on the depth of coverage and the intended target audience.