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Metaverse copyright

Metaverse – A Challenge To The Copyright Law

Introduction “Everything that you can imagine is real”. These words by Pablo Picasso can be said to have gained reality with the recent development of a ‘virtual word’ parallel to our own real world- the Metaverse. The term “Metaverse” has…

Computer Software Protection

Copyright Protection of Software under Literary Works

Introduction A concept itself is not protected by copyright laws; rather, the form or representation of an idea is. The computer language used to describe the underlying idea is what is protected by copyright in a computer programme, not the…

copyright infringement2

Online Infringement of Copyrights

One of man's most significant innovations of the Millenium is the internet. It is a term used to describe a vast network of linked computer systems and computer networks. The best aspect of the internet is that it's available practically…

Version Music- An Aversion To Copyright Law?

A cover version, also known as a cover song, remake, revival, or simply cover, is a fresh performance or recording of a song by an artist who is not the original singer or composer. For example, we often associate 'Girls…

Emoji and World of Intellectual Property

We live in a Gen-Z world, where conversations begin, emotions are expressed with emoji! With the rapid shift from a non-technological world to a world of techno-freaks, the importance of emoji has grown immensely and now, they form a part…

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