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Intellectual Property (IP) Licensing Laws In Thailand

The word Intellectual Property (IP) signifies the creations of the human mind. For instance, literary and artistic works; inventions; designs; symbols, names and images used in commercial ventures. Even though, Intellectual Property is an extremely powerful tool for economic development…

Character Merchandising, Through Trademark Licensing

Character merchandising promotes a character, fictional or real, through portraying its essential personality features, such as its appearance, sound, image, or name by way of various goods or services. Merchandising is regarded as lawful when it is exploited either by…

Intellectual Property And 3D Printing

INTRODUCTION TO 3D PRINTING The process of additive manufacturing/3D printing refers to the building of material, typically layer by layer. The uses of this technology vary from utilitarian purposes to aesthetic and hybrid purposes. In light of the future uses…

Registering Designs in Singapore

An Industrial design is one of the types of Intellectual Property where intellectual property is used to refer to the creations of the mind. It can be an invention, literary or artistic work, symbols, names or images as well. Since…

Impact of Employment Agreements on Patents in Indonesia

Just like the owner of a real estate property controls the rights to how the property is to be used and maintained, intellectual property grants the owner of it certain protection and rights. Intellectual property can be anything that refers…

Copyright Registration in Malaysia

Intellectual Property is a type of property that broadly speaking consists of creations of the mind. Briefly intellectual property can be further sub classified into patents, copyrights, trademarks, industrial designs and Geographical indications. Each of these categories refers to different…

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