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Blockchain Technology

Rise of Blockchain and the Question of Patentability

1.Introduction It started in 2008, when Satoshi Nakamoto came up with a ground-breaking idea of bitcoin and cryptographic proof that relies on CPU power to create immutable, tamper-proof ledgers which operate on a peer-to-peer architecture. Blockchain, was initially introduced only…

The Concept Of Patent Mining In India

All prior art relevant to the invention should, ideally, be recognized in order to determine the uniqueness and inventive step of the invention. Due to different constraints such as language, paperwork, and so on, access to the prior art is…

Modification in the Patent Practices

In India, the Patents Act, 1970, and the Patents Rules, 2003, have undergone number of changes in last decade or so. The initial changes in the Act and corresponding Rules were mostly with a vision to make the Indian Patent…

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