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Whodunit?! AI Generative Works and Personality Rights of Artists

Introduction Personality rights have been recognized to be protected rights under common law and IPR law. These rights protect a person’s domain and control over how they want to project and communicate their image to the larger masses. It naturally…


Nutraceutical Industry & Associated IP Rights

Introduction In the current world scenario, people started to give attention to health and related parameters. Subsequently, the healthcare sector has gained precedence and command over the market. The global nutraceutical market (including functional food, functional beverages, and dietary supplements)…

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IP Protection For Fintech Companies

Introduction With advent in technology, Fintech industry has been thriving in the recent past. Fintech is the technology, involved in the financial sector. According to a report titled “$1Tn India Fintech Opportunity”, by Chiratae Ventures and Ernest and Young, Indian…

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