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Patent License Dispute Between Ericsson And Samsung

Recently, Swedish telecom company Ericsson has filed a lawsuit in the US against South Korean company Samsung for breach of contractual commitments and failure to negotiate the patent licensing and payment terms in good faith, essentially under FRAND (Fair, Reasonable…

Compulsory Licensing Under The Patents Act

Under the pre-2004 provisions of the Patents Act, section 55 of the Patents Act provided that an application may be made to court for the grant of a license after 3 years from the date of the grant of a…

Evolution of Intellectual Property Protection in Myanmar

On February 15, Upper house (Amyothar Hluttaw) Parliament of the Union of Myanmar adopted Trademark and Geographical Indication Bill, Industrial Design Bill, Patent Bill and Copyright Bill. Amendments were made in Copyright bill by Lower house (Pyithu Hluttaw) which was…

Fashion & Intellectual Property

“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” - Coco Chanel Fashion industry is at an all-time high…

Role Of IPR In The Fashion Industry

The Indian Fashion Market is booming across continents. At the heart of fashion are designs, innovation and unique trends. Fashion is not only restricted to apparels but also extends largely to luxurious goods and products. Each year the fashion hub…

Competition Law and IPR- Friends or Foes?

An intellectual property right holder is granted legal rights to protect his intellectual property- here is where competition law plays a huge role by ensuring that such power and monopoly is restricted in the market. Both intellectual property rights and…

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