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Compulsory Licensing in South Africa

South Africa welcomes the opportunity to make submissions on the topic of exceptions and limitations. South Africa recognizes the role that Intellectual Property (IP) and Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) play in the global context of advancing innovation, the dissemination of…

Patent Application1

Fraud In Obtaining Patent And Revocation

A patent (defined in section 2(1) (m)) is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the legal right to exclude others from making, using or selling an invention for a limited period of time in exchange for disclosure…

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Artificial Intelligence as an Inventor in Patent Law

Artificial Intelligence (hereinafter “AIs”) is a computer science discipline focused on developing machinery and systems with the ability to perform tasks attributable to human intelligence. From a patent law perspective, AIs were considered incapable of facilitating inventive processes autonomously and…

Gene Patenting In India

There has been a great advancement in technology after the revelation of the structure of the DNA molecule. Since then, scientists have engaged in efforts of identifying the sequences of these molecules, their function and also in manipulating them to…

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