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Intellectual Propertty

Impact of AI on Global IP Systems

Introduction What is Artificial Intelligence? Creating computer systems capable of carrying out activities that need human intellect is known as artificial intelligence or AI. AI analyses vast volumes of data to spot trends and conclude from the material it has…

Emoji and World of Intellectual Property

We live in a Gen-Z world, where conversations begin, emotions are expressed with emoji! With the rapid shift from a non-technological world to a world of techno-freaks, the importance of emoji has grown immensely and now, they form a part…

Protection Of Acronyms Under Trademark Law

Acronyms are defined as the abbreviations of longer words formed by the initial letters or groups of letters of words in a set phrase. While the trademark is defined as "A mark capable of being represented graphically and which is…

Myanmar’s New Trademark Law

Early 2019 witnessed an introduction of a number of Intellectual Property Laws in Myanmar. A new Trademark Law and a new Industrial Design Law were enacted on January 30, 2019. This was followed by the enactments of a new Patent…

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